BBNYA Prizes!

Prizes for BBNYA Winners

A contest isn't a contest without prizes, right? Besides the usual - honour, recognition and exposure - we have amazing things lined up for both authors and members of our panel!

Prizes for BBNYA 2025

Author prizes

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

4th and 5th place

6th to 15th place

16th to 75th place 

The Write Reads Logo on wax seal

Ultimate Blog Tour: A 15-20-day tour with circa 30-50 bloggers participating 

Standard Blog Tour: A 10-day tour with 20+ bloggers participating 

Mini Blog Tour: A 5-day tour with 10+ bloggers participating

Spotlight Tour: A 1 day tour with circa 10+ bloggers 'spotlighting' the book

Any and all prizes are per novel, not per author. If a novel has more than one writer, they have to share their novel's prize among themselves. Length (in days) of blog tours are negotiable, the number of bloggers per tour are approximations, actual numbers may vary. Reviews on blog tours are from real people and are honest (i.e some reviews may be negative). Spotlights consist of a blogger posting the cover, blurb, buy links etc of the book on their blog and boosting for exposure across their social media platforms. Promotional banners for blog tours and spotlights provided by TheArtsyReader 

*Cash prizes will be awarded as Paypal balance. Other safe money transfers may be discussed at the time of awarding the prize.

*Additional prizes may be announced during the sign up period or throughout the year. 

Prizes for the BBNYA 2025 panel

Prizes for the BBNYA panel for 2025  will include many 20 euro/Amazon voucher giveaways commencing in June 2025 and running for the duration of the 2025 contest.